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The Benefits of 12 Week Plans and Subscriptions

The Benefits of 12 Week Plans and Subscriptions
Writer and expert10 months ago
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The Benefits of 12 Week Plans and Subscriptions

‘I’m going to start that diet tomorrow.’

‘It’s finally time to hit the gym but let’s just get through this weekend first.’

‘I need to start looking after myself better but the time just isn’t right.’

Sound familiar? Most of us are pretty good at putting off making those changes that we know will help us to live better. Whether it’s weight loss, fitness or an improvement in our overall wellbeing we know it has to be done, we just really don’t want to do it today.

A great way to kickstart any new regime is with a 12 week plan or 12 week subscription. Getting you started on the road to a healthier you, but without the overwhelming promise of years of work, a good short term plan can help you to feel better and provide a timely reminder that a healthier lifestyle isn’t unachievable or unenjoyable.

PrecisionBiotics® 12 week gut health plans

The health of our gut is connected to everything, from our immunity to our mental wellness. So it’s pretty important to take great care of it. With our 12 week gut health subscription plans you’re able to kickstart your journey to better gut health at a reduced price. With four plans to choose from, there’s bound to be a plan to suit your gut health goals, whatever they might be. In addition to all the supplements you’ll need for three months of better health, the 12 week plan includes guidance, recipes and individualised support to help you make positive changes from day one.

Other Ways You Can Choose a 12 Week Plan for Your Health and Wellbeing

From press up challenges to weight loss plans, there’s probably a 12 week health plan out there to capture your imagination but what is it about this type of plan that has us hooked?

Why a 12 week plan?

You’ll know that when it comes to most things there are no quick fixes. In fact 12 weeks, or 3 months, is the ideal interim measure. Less daunting than a plan or subscription that requires you to commit to a year or more of change but giving you more time than a 7 or 14 day trial, allowing a habit to build, 12 weeks can make for an excellent starting point for a lifelong change. It’s also just enough time to make a difference if you’re not looking for a long-term lifestyle swap.

How long does it take to build a habit?

We’ve all heard of the 10,000 hour rule that requires you to practice something for just that long in order to become an expert. You may also have heard that a habit can be formed within 21 days (but that it takes 90 days to break it). Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to forming habits, bad or good. However, a 2009 study tells us that, in fact, it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for new habits to form, with the average person taking 66 days to turn an act into a habit[i].

What can be achieved in 12 weeks?

How far you can really get in 12 weeks really does depend on a number of factors. What’s the habit you’re trying to build or the goal you’re trying to reach? What’s your starting point? How committed are you? And what kind of personality or lifestyle do you have? After all, we’re not all suited to strict regimes. When it comes to health and fitness, it’s vital to have realistic goals too. Keep in mind that experts recommend a weight loss rate of one to two pounds a week[ii], so you might expect to lose anywhere between one and two stone in twelve weeks. And when it comes to building muscle? A beginner might expect to build one to four pounds of muscle mass per month[iii].

How Can You Make the Most of a 12 Week Health Plan?

You’ve decided to commit to a 12 week plan. You’ve signed up and handed over your credit card details. Perhaps you’ve even bought a gleaming new pair of Nikes or thrown out all the complex carbohydrates in your kitchen. But how do you give yourself the very best chance of success?

Is it better to plan weekly or monthly?

Experts in business recommend daily, weekly and monthly planning, helping you to break down tasks and responsibilities into manageable chunks. It’s a good idea to approach health and wellbeing commitments in a similar way. Take the time before you start a new regime to get to grips with how it’s going to work for you. When’s the best time to fit in exercise? Which healthy eating recipes do you have the time and budget to cook? If a plan looks to be too hard to fit into your life it may not be the right one for you.

Can I create my own 12 week plan?

Sure, you could, but why not take advantage of the experts? Many of the 12 week diet and exercise plans you’ll find available online have been crafted by experts in the field and have been tried and tested by many users – check unbiased reviews before you hand over your hard-earned. In addition, app-based plans can make it easier to stick to a new regime with regular reminders, encouraging pings and the ability to easily track your progress from your phone.

How do I stick to a 12 week wellness plan?

Sheer willpower isn’t your thing? You’ve already done the right thing by choosing a mid-term plan but what else can you do to maximise your chances of success? How about roping a friend into the same plan? Research shows that social support can help increase our chances of success when it comes to dieting[iv]. Alternatively look for a subscription that includes a social aspect like chat rooms, where you and your fellow dieters can cheer each other on. Other expert advice includes forgiving yourself for falling off the good behaviour wagon (skipped your workout today? No worries! Just pick it up tomorrow!) and setting realistic goals to avoid all-or-nothing thinking.

From Weight Loss to Mental Wellbeing: The Right 12 Week Plan for You

Which, then, are the best 12 week plans and subscriptions to help you create a whole new and improved you?

NHS Better Health diet plan

Who better to help you on your way to weight loss than the NHS? Absolutely free to use, the NHS Weight Loss Plan app makes setting weight loss goals and achieving them simple. The app includes a meal planner and the ability to record your activity as well as allowing you to log weight loss as you go. Aiming to help you to make healthier food choices, the Better Health plan isn’t a crash diet and is designed to be easy to follow.

Centr with Chris Hemsworth app

Now we cheated a little bit here, as many of the muscle gain and fitness plans found on the Centr app run to thirteen weeks, but once you’re on your way you won’t want to stop, especially when you’re getting fit with none other than Thor himself. Founded by musclebound actor Chris Hemsworth, Centr costs from £7.83 a month and gives you access to a wide range of fitness plans. Among them is a thirteen week star-studded gym plan hosted by Chris, his personal trainer Luke Zocchi and Hollywood stuntman Bobby Holland Hanton.

PrecisionBiotics® 12 week gut health plans

With our 12 week gut health subscription plans you’re able to kickstart your journey to better gut health at a reduced price. With four plans to choose from, there’s bound to be a plan to suit your gut health goals, whatever they might be. In addition to all the supplements you’ll need for 3 months of better health, the 12 week plan includes guidance, recipes and individualised support to help you make positive changes from day one.




Writer and expert
View PrecisionBiotics®'s profile
Behind the PrecisionBiotics® profile, we are a dedicated team of specialists passionate about gut health and wellness. With a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between the gut and overall well-being, we strive to provide insightful, science-backed information to help you navigate your journey to health and wellness. Our collective expertise spans nutrition, microbiology, and holistic wellness, enabling us to offer comprehensive advice and education on a broad range of topics. Feel free to get in touch if there is a certain topic you would like us to research and write a blog on.