Got some manky old bananas lying around? This is the perfect way to use them up! Overripe bananas make the most amazing frozen treat, and it’s super simple to make. You can flavour it with other fruits, cacao, or (my personal favourite, and the recipe I made) peanut butter!
Number of
plants: 2Servings: 2
- 2 overripe bananas
- 2 dollops of peanut butter
Take 3 overripe bananas, peel and slice them, then freeze. Slicing just gives your blender an easier time when you come to blend them.
Once frozen, add to a blender/food processor with an ‘s’ blade, along with your choice of flavourings! I added two big dollops of peanut butter.
Blend until a soft serve ice cream consistency. You may have to scrape the banana off the sides and mix a little to make sure everything is blended.

You can serve and enjoy immediately (like I did!) or return to the freezer for a more scoopable consistency.